Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Handle Rejection And Overcome Your Fear Of Approaching Women

Is the fear of getting rejected stopping you from approaching and meeting girls? This does not have to be the case if you know how to handle rejection expertly.

A lot of guys face rejection because they start out with the wrong objective in mind. Some of them look at approaching women as a seduction game that they have to win. For others, the aim of approaching women is simply to get a phone number or a date.

I used to think like this too before I realized that rejection is relative to how you determine your goal or your success. If you define your objective as getting a girl’s phone number and you don’t end up getting it, you will feel like you’ve failed. As a result, you end up stressing about it while approaching women or making conversation.

Now, what if you define your objective as meeting women to discover interesting activity partners? Takes a load off of your shoulders, doesn't it? Now you don't have to be so stiff when talking to a girl and you can concentrate on getting to know her better.

Women are also more receptive when they sense that you genuinely want to get to know them. They feel the sincerity of your approach and are more likely to open up to you.

Another way to overcome rejection when meeting women is to vary your approach. Make sure it’s appropriate to the occasion or the venue where you are interacting in. What’s appropriate in a nightclub may be too aggressive in a sports club.

It’s helpful to constantly try different opening strategies. Experiment to see which approach works and suits your personality best. As you know, we don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. And it’s at this stage that you pitch yourself to the ladies as somebody interesting and exciting.

Lastly, it’s important to have a healthy outlook when it comes to rejection. It happens and it happens to everybody. That it has happened to you has no bearing on who you are as a person. The goal is not to avoid it, but to see it for what it is.

Rejection happens not because you’re not rich enough or sexy enough or smart enough. Even the most charismatic men have encountered rejection at some point in their lives. The only difference is that these successful men never gave up and learned from their mistakes.

Not all women we find attractive will find us attractive in return. Sometimes, you just don’t hit it off. Thankfully, that doesn’t mean you’ll always suffer same outcome when you approach other women.

In dating, like in anything else, you have to keep moving forward. The more practice you have approaching women and taking to them, the better and more confident you will become at it.

By: Carl C.